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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Birthday Madness!

Over the last week, four significant people in my life have celebrated birthdays. On May the Fourth (Be With You), it was my brother James' 11th up in Quesnel. I can't believe that somehow they are aging at the same rate as me. On the Sixth was my sister Tenniele in Langley. She just turned 10, and was sick all through it, poor thing. And just yesterday, on the Ninth, was my roommate Lorenzo's 25th. I and my two buddies chipped in to get him a nice leather desk chair, as he had been floundering in a Brokeback Taskchair, (in that the back was broke, not that there was some sort of unsettling relationship between him and the chair) and he was thrilled. We celebrated by getting drunk on Jack n' Cokes and watching the explosive finale of Veronica Mars. I lost count of the times I said, "Oh, snap!" It's crazy to see the three bad guys go down all at once. "Wait Steve, didn't you say four people?" Oh right, thanks, I was getting off track. The Ninth was also my good friend Kristy's 21st birthday. There was a party on Saturday that lasted long and loud at her new place. But as an added bonus, I'll be taking her to see Rain: The Beatles Experience this weekend. The tickets were a birthday gift from my mom, back in March. And coming up on the 16th is my cousin Ashley's 25th birthday. Hmm, so many May birthdays... people must be getting busy in August-September. Maybe the end of summer is some kind of aphrodesiac.

Ennyweigh, must dash off to buy more wrapping paper. Happy birthday everybody!


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