Biking for MS

I mentioned in an earlier post that a good friend of mine, Andrew Kristoff, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis three years ago. Since then, his condition has steadily worsened, and it's been hard for his family and friends to see him suffer, as he is one of the nicest young men you're liable to meet. I recently particpated in the Annual Walk for MS as a support team and we raised over $6000 as a group for research. In that spirit, Andrew's brother Carl (pictured right) and his best friend Sean Macalister (left) are biking across Canada to raise money and awareness for MS. Please visit their site, and check out their progress. They started in Tofino, BC (my old stomping grounds) on May 5th and made it back to Vancouver on the 8th for a final dinner with their families, before heading out for the summer tomorrow.
This is a fantastic thing they're doing, and for a great cause too. Good luck to them, and we're all rooting for you back here, guys.
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