Another Week Gone By
Hola amigos. I know it's been a long time since I rapped atcha, so here's another weekly update of what's been a-going on.
Big news item #1: This past weekend marked the 12th Annual Bill Bader Golf Tournament in Osoyoos, BC. Every year the Baders, Chadseys, Johnstons and whathaveyous, all trek from their respective corners of North America to play golf in the warm Okanagan sun. Only this year, we played some golf in the thunderous Okanagan rain. Well, maybe not that bad, but we almost packed it in. I love the weekend because it gives me the chance to catch up and hang out with my cousins. Derek and his girlfriend Yvonne came up from Denver and I drove them up to Canada's Desert Wine Country (as they like to call it up there). But it was (from my perspective anyway) kind of a bust, as most of my cousins were no-shows. Out of a possible 15 cousins, only six were there, and three of them were from one family. So the fact that the partying quotient went down, coupled with the rainy golfing (and I'm not a good golfer to begin with {although I did sink a beautiful 20-foot chip shot [is it okay that I'm nesting parentheses?]}) cast a shadow over the whole thing. But I still had as much fun as I could. Plus, when we came back on Sunday, we went out and tracked down my cousin Ashley and her b-f Graham, a local legend to all that know him. So we cruised downtown and drank some fermented hops at Limerick's Junction, then headed back to a place they're housesitting in Horseshoe Bay. That's when I got stoned...
Big news item #2: I was invited to a wedding for some friends of mine, Doug and Amoria. I got a call two Fridays ago asking if I had gotten their e-mail. I said I hadn't. They said do I want to come to their wedding. I said I'd love to. They said it would involve going on a cruise to the Caribbean for a week. I said oh, that's different then. They said yeah. I said I'd have to think about it. They said I had a week to decide. I said hmm. They said yeah. I said what's the damage. They said $1423 CDN. I said whoa. They said yeah. So I said I'd think about it. And I did. I thought about it this way and that way. It basically came down to a few things. On the one hand, I'd love to do it and I could realistically afford it. On the other hand, I just spent 3 g's on a Europe trip six months ago, and would it be totally irresponsible to do it, with so little disposable income coming in. So I woke up Friday morning, the day I had to decide, and then drive to Osoyoos (or The Big Day) and made this deal with myself: I will go on this trip, but I will throw myself back into getting the all-important Good Job. Because this is a once in a lifetime thing for me. I would probably never think to myself, "Jeez, I should really get on a boat for a week and just sit around." When I go on vacations, I'm a culture sponge. New York, London, Paris, famous cultural centres all. But on a cruise ship, I'll be partying with friends every night, getting laid in the shade (or in direct sunlight, whatever), drinking mojitos and pina coladas, soaking up some rays on my winter-whitened frame (since the cruise is next February). So, good times will be had, but I've got to kick my ass into action.
Hockey pool update: I suck at this. But seriously, who would have thought Edmonton would beat Detroit? Anybody pick that one? Or Colorado picking off Dallas, thanks to Marty Turco and his amazing folding meltdown. I also thought the Rangers would put up a decent struggle. Thank god Carolina's making a comeback, or else my rosters will be full of losers and Senators. I'm afraid to even look at my standings now.
TV update: I think 24's First Lady Martha Logan will overdose next episode, and it will be up to Mike Novik to save the day, with Aaron Pierce driving the getaway car. I hope the Hippies, BJ and Tyler win The Amazing Race, they just have so much fun out there, although the Frat Boys certainly deserve to win it, dominating as they have been. Lost has been slowly building up to a major conflict with the others, and I can't wait to see how it plays out. Methinks there will be some cast changes blowin' in the wind. Also, with the season coming to a close, I will be on the lookout for new shows. Last summer, I discovered Veronica Mars, and I have a few candidates for my Summer Rerun Show 2006. These include Prison Break, Medium and House. Shows I didn't get into at first, maybe because of scheduling conflicts, maybe because of personal bias, but may get a second lease during the off-season.
Stay tuned for more boring updates of crap nobody is reading. See y'all.
Big news item #1: This past weekend marked the 12th Annual Bill Bader Golf Tournament in Osoyoos, BC. Every year the Baders, Chadseys, Johnstons and whathaveyous, all trek from their respective corners of North America to play golf in the warm Okanagan sun. Only this year, we played some golf in the thunderous Okanagan rain. Well, maybe not that bad, but we almost packed it in. I love the weekend because it gives me the chance to catch up and hang out with my cousins. Derek and his girlfriend Yvonne came up from Denver and I drove them up to Canada's Desert Wine Country (as they like to call it up there). But it was (from my perspective anyway) kind of a bust, as most of my cousins were no-shows. Out of a possible 15 cousins, only six were there, and three of them were from one family. So the fact that the partying quotient went down, coupled with the rainy golfing (and I'm not a good golfer to begin with {although I did sink a beautiful 20-foot chip shot [is it okay that I'm nesting parentheses?]}) cast a shadow over the whole thing. But I still had as much fun as I could. Plus, when we came back on Sunday, we went out and tracked down my cousin Ashley and her b-f Graham, a local legend to all that know him. So we cruised downtown and drank some fermented hops at Limerick's Junction, then headed back to a place they're housesitting in Horseshoe Bay. That's when I got stoned...
Big news item #2: I was invited to a wedding for some friends of mine, Doug and Amoria. I got a call two Fridays ago asking if I had gotten their e-mail. I said I hadn't. They said do I want to come to their wedding. I said I'd love to. They said it would involve going on a cruise to the Caribbean for a week. I said oh, that's different then. They said yeah. I said I'd have to think about it. They said I had a week to decide. I said hmm. They said yeah. I said what's the damage. They said $1423 CDN. I said whoa. They said yeah. So I said I'd think about it. And I did. I thought about it this way and that way. It basically came down to a few things. On the one hand, I'd love to do it and I could realistically afford it. On the other hand, I just spent 3 g's on a Europe trip six months ago, and would it be totally irresponsible to do it, with so little disposable income coming in. So I woke up Friday morning, the day I had to decide, and then drive to Osoyoos (or The Big Day) and made this deal with myself: I will go on this trip, but I will throw myself back into getting the all-important Good Job. Because this is a once in a lifetime thing for me. I would probably never think to myself, "Jeez, I should really get on a boat for a week and just sit around." When I go on vacations, I'm a culture sponge. New York, London, Paris, famous cultural centres all. But on a cruise ship, I'll be partying with friends every night, getting laid in the shade (or in direct sunlight, whatever), drinking mojitos and pina coladas, soaking up some rays on my winter-whitened frame (since the cruise is next February). So, good times will be had, but I've got to kick my ass into action.
Hockey pool update: I suck at this. But seriously, who would have thought Edmonton would beat Detroit? Anybody pick that one? Or Colorado picking off Dallas, thanks to Marty Turco and his amazing folding meltdown. I also thought the Rangers would put up a decent struggle. Thank god Carolina's making a comeback, or else my rosters will be full of losers and Senators. I'm afraid to even look at my standings now.
TV update: I think 24's First Lady Martha Logan will overdose next episode, and it will be up to Mike Novik to save the day, with Aaron Pierce driving the getaway car. I hope the Hippies, BJ and Tyler win The Amazing Race, they just have so much fun out there, although the Frat Boys certainly deserve to win it, dominating as they have been. Lost has been slowly building up to a major conflict with the others, and I can't wait to see how it plays out. Methinks there will be some cast changes blowin' in the wind. Also, with the season coming to a close, I will be on the lookout for new shows. Last summer, I discovered Veronica Mars, and I have a few candidates for my Summer Rerun Show 2006. These include Prison Break, Medium and House. Shows I didn't get into at first, maybe because of scheduling conflicts, maybe because of personal bias, but may get a second lease during the off-season.
Stay tuned for more boring updates of crap nobody is reading. See y'all.
The cruise will be fun. I'm not really one for that whole luxury vacation, being waited on hand and foot thing, and going on a cruise isn't my ideal vacation, but I've decided to make the most of it and get drunk in tiny bars on the beach with locals after snorkeling with sea turtles when we hit the ports of call. I figure its probably the best way to get some of the culture from the touristy cruise ship cities.
OH and there's a big spiral waterslide, that's worth at least 600 bucks.
Anonymous, at 7:20 PM
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