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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Brand Spanking New Game

I'm a big fan of logo guessing games. I really enjoyed Joey Katzen's Retail Alphabet and then went in search of others. I found Logogame, which is also a lot of head scratching fun. So when I wanted to make my own version, I tried to emulate that one. I have called it Logopogo, because it just sounds like a helluva lot of fun, doesn't it? I've doubled some of the themes (Cereal, Candy, Fast food) but I've done my best to make them as original as I can. And while on Logogame, they just choose letters at random, or symbols, I strive to live up to the alphabet standard set by Mr. Katzen. I search high and low for thematic examples that contain a "Q", "Z", "J" or "X". The extra challenge in my version, is that I usually remove everything other surrounding letter so you get no help there.

Unfortunately, I am not a master coder, and my game is easy to hack. It's not like you win anything, so you don't gain an advantage, it's more about the challenge to yourself. I have seven games up and running now.

1. Auto companies, from Audi to Yugo (actually there's no Yugo).
2. Modern TV shows, from the last 15 years.
3. Classic TV shows, from the prior 40 years.
4. Cereal, take a gander down aisle 5 of your local Safeway.
5. Board games, when games were played with dice, not mice.
6. Candy bars, for the chocoholic inside you.
7. Restaurants, casual and fast-food.

Try them out and let me know how you like 'em, and feel free to give me some ideas. I might do some based on retail stores, magazines, toys, beverages and movies, but please pass on some input of your own, I'd love to hear them. Gracias, mi amigos!


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