Graphic Content

Monday, March 13, 2006

Moist Raper

The first thing I wanted to do with this blog was to publish an anagrammed map of the Paris Metro system, and post it on BoingBoing. I hope that, if it's clicked upon, it will open up full size. I had read that had stopped accepting new maps after March 1st, but I hope to appeal to them the fact that it's a really big undertaking. With about 400 different stations, that's a helluva lot of anagrams. I actually had a dream where I had to anagram Jeremy Irons name to stay alive (the best one I could come up with was Jersey Minor).

Anyway, here's hoping I draw some attention from BoingBoing, but not so much that the RATF comes down on my ass. I actually got a lot of use out of the Metro when I was in Paris, so I mock out of love. With a special thanks to the Internet Anagram Server, without whom none of this could have been possible.


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