Graphic Content

Monday, March 13, 2006

Good day and welcome to my blgo.

Damnit! I already screwed up once. Well, at least the pressures off now. Okay, this is the second try at this, since Safari unexpectedly quit on me while I tried to upload a picture, and I had written a huge epic opening post, detailing everything. Now, I have to try to recapture that, but it won't be the same. Sigh.

All right, here goes. Hey, I'm Steve Sims, a struggling graphic designer in Vancouver. Actually, just south of Vancouver, in Richmond, which is basically Chinatown. I live with two guys I went to high school with. Lorenzo P. is a Filipino art student, who will soon become a major force in the art world. Either that, or a shoe designer with Nike. I'll be sure to post some of his work some other time. I'll post some of my own, too. Greg D. is a Mexican who loves BMXing and wants to open a small engine repair shop someday. Me, I'd just be happy to have somebody ask me for a logo.

I'm not sure why I thought it necessary that I should put my thoughts on screen for the world to read. There probably won't be much here other than my own opinions on things that don't matter. Plus, I doubt if anyone will ever see this, unless I specifically tell them to. I also have my own website,, which has my portfolio, resume and two other cool dealies. Logopogo is my own little logo alphabet game, and then my homage to the Absolut ads with a Canadian theme.

This little blog will feature my thoughts and reviews of movies, TV shows, music, websites and whatever else I feel like. The opinions expressed here are not those of the corporation. I wasn't told to say that, but I've always wanted to feel like I was somehow going against the grain, like I was sticking it to the man. Whatever.

If you are the first to read this, please comment, so I can get a warm feeling inside, knowing that the rantings and ramblings of a raving lunatic aren't going unheeded.

BTW, it's my birthday next Sunday (3/19), so if you are a Vancouver-area resident over the age of 19, why not head out to the Roxy on the Saturday (3/18) and give me a high-five. I'll be the one who stumbles onstage for a drunken rendition of "Love Shack", before getting unceremoniously shoved off.

I'm going to post this now, before I have anymore "unexpected" mishaps. But I'll be back soon. With lists, probably. And a picture. Wow, I'm blogging. Next, I'll have to get myself a podcast. Whatever that is.


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