The Deputy Treasurer of Tulameen
--Photo Gallery link--
Hello friends, I've missed you. What's new? Really? That's great, you really earned that free Subway sandwich. Good for you. How about me? Oh not too much, just got back from Tulameen. Where is it, you ask? Oh, it's just a little town northeast of Princeton, where I go to camp and play softball every August Long Weekend. How was it? Scrumtrilescent. More details, you say? I suppose I could be persuaded to offer up some photos. Annoyed with the way I repeat your questions, as though this were a one-sided conversation? Well, I can't do much about that.
From Friday night through Monday afternoon, I've had the time of my life, and I've never felt this way before, and I swear it's the truth and I owe it all to you... Tulameen.
I went up there with some goals. I was going to play some good softball. I was going to help us win both the parade, and Most Fun Team. I was going to drink many beers. I was going to dance. I was going to rule the campsite. I'm happy to report that I succeeded on all levels.
First off, the first few games were fairly unremarkable. I was hitting well, but nothing special. I needed an edge. I also needed a hat, having misplaced my regular hat, and not wanting to play with my big floppy "Got Beer?" hat again, which just kept falling off. Then I remembered that I had another hat. My dad, who could not join the festivities due to the imminent birth of his fifth, count 'em, fifth child, sent me up with something for the Hall of Fame, his old lucky red hat. This cap is older than I am, and was synonymous with him for many of the early years of the 30 year old tournament. The poor thing has seen better days, people. The cardboard in the brim has shrunken and curled up. The fabric is tearing apart at the seams. But it still fit on my head. When I brought it out, everyone was delighted to see it return. I thought maybe I could draw some strength from it. And boy did I. The first game I wore it, I got a double play and a three-run homer. That was the game we won. The only one, actually. But we did win it, coming from behind. So yay for that.
Winning the parade was a top priority for Randy and myself. We usually just sort of throw something together at the last minute and hope for the best. This year... wasn't much different, but we did plan somewhat ahead. The supposed theme for the parade was Mardi Gras, since this was the 30th Anniversary of the weekend, so we had to incorporate that, but how to make it our own? Then it hit us. We'll build a parade float like a pirate ship. With a black sail, and rigging, and cannons. After all, pirates are very hot right now. Then it just accelerated from there. Last weekend, we built, and painted the boat. Randy engineered some cannons out of PVC pipe and springs that shot candy 10 feet. Over the following week, I painted the sail as well as a reuseable banner. The night before going up, at about 2:30 AM, I wrote a song, that will be published for the first time in it's entirety, right here on Graphic Content.
Gather me hearties and come hear my tale,
Yo ho Yo ho!
About the Das Booty and her fearsome sail.
Yo ho Yo ho!
All ships on the ocean would quiver and quail,
Yo ho Yo ho!
When they saw that the Burgers were hot on their trail!
Yo ho Yo ho, it's a Burger's life for me!
Now, one day Das Booty was hunting a whale,
Yo ho Yo ho!
When the winds shifted north and it started a gale!
Yo ho Yo ho!
It came down with rain and it came down with hail,
Yo ho Yo ho!
How could those Hamburgers ever prevail?
Yo ho Yo ho, it's a Burger's life for me!
"Where is the captain?" the men would all wail
Yo ho Yo ho!
"He's having a baby (He's hoping it's male)
Yo ho Yo ho!
So go grab a barrel, a bucket or pail,
Yo ho Yo ho!
Before this ship sinks and we all have to bail!"
Yo ho Yo ho, it's a Burger's life for me!
They passed out some beer to the strong and the frail,
Yo ho Yo ho!
The Burgers worked hard, they fought tooth and nail.
Yo ho Yo ho!
They came out on top! And that proves without fail,
Yo ho Yo ho!
That Hamburgers always go better with ale!
Yo ho Yo ho, it's a Burger's life for me!
So, anyway, we came in first place, of course. But we tied with another team, which sort of bugs me. It cheapens the whole judging process when there is no ultimate champion, who can lord their success over others. Maybe that's just me.
We go into Tulameen every year knowing we're not really contenders for the tournament trophy, so I like to concentrate my efforts on the other, less tangible events. Like Most Fun Team. We won it last year, thanks to some extensive campaigning, and I hoped to reclaim it once more. I danced for the Battitudes, I danced for the Grogs, I danced for Club Bob, even though it made me miss out on something I'll never forgive myself for missing. Those of you who were there will know what I mean, and those who weren't, won't. I hijacked an event put on by the Homegrown, that had run out of steam. I did all I could, and we were rewarded with out second consecutive Most Fun Team Award. Woo-- followed closely by it's counterpart --hoo!
As for other things that happened that weekend... I participated in a couple of dance-offs with a recent addition to the team, Jen. Or Jenn. Or maybe Jennnn. Anyway, I think I won the first one, on Friday night, with a few patented moves, like the Switchfoot Swivel. I think Jen was taken aback by the depths of my groovitude, having never seen it before. But by Sunday, she was ready and we had to pull out all the stops. By the end of "Pour Some Sugar on Me", we had managed to get our heads up each others' shirts and she had poured beer on herself, which I then proceeded to drink. So I think that although she may have won the dance-off, I came out a winner. Brad smashed the hell out a Spongebob pinata. He was drunk, blindfolded and in the dark, but he got it. Danby, from the Tumbleweeds, issued a beer-bong challenge to Erika. They decided upon two beers apiece. And who should come out on top? Erika, of course. So Danby had to slink back to his site with his bong between his legs, a little humbler for the experience.
Uh, let's see, what else... OK, during one game, Dave and Kelly's little dog, Jack, attacked Leonard on his way to first base, and chased him to second. It was by all accounts, the funniest thing that ever happened at Tulameen. And for their efforts, Jack and Leonard were awarded the first Tulameen MVP Award.
That's all I can remember at the moment (keeping in mind I was drinking steadily), so if anyone has any comments or memories about Tulameen, please add them, and send me some good photos (especially of the dance-off, please), and I'll add them to the gallery, linked here and above.
Steve Sims
Deputy Treasurer in Charge of "Fun"ds,
Tulameen, BC
Hello friends, I've missed you. What's new? Really? That's great, you really earned that free Subway sandwich. Good for you. How about me? Oh not too much, just got back from Tulameen. Where is it, you ask? Oh, it's just a little town northeast of Princeton, where I go to camp and play softball every August Long Weekend. How was it? Scrumtrilescent. More details, you say? I suppose I could be persuaded to offer up some photos. Annoyed with the way I repeat your questions, as though this were a one-sided conversation? Well, I can't do much about that.
From Friday night through Monday afternoon, I've had the time of my life, and I've never felt this way before, and I swear it's the truth and I owe it all to you... Tulameen.
I went up there with some goals. I was going to play some good softball. I was going to help us win both the parade, and Most Fun Team. I was going to drink many beers. I was going to dance. I was going to rule the campsite. I'm happy to report that I succeeded on all levels.
First off, the first few games were fairly unremarkable. I was hitting well, but nothing special. I needed an edge. I also needed a hat, having misplaced my regular hat, and not wanting to play with my big floppy "Got Beer?" hat again, which just kept falling off. Then I remembered that I had another hat. My dad, who could not join the festivities due to the imminent birth of his fifth, count 'em, fifth child, sent me up with something for the Hall of Fame, his old lucky red hat. This cap is older than I am, and was synonymous with him for many of the early years of the 30 year old tournament. The poor thing has seen better days, people. The cardboard in the brim has shrunken and curled up. The fabric is tearing apart at the seams. But it still fit on my head. When I brought it out, everyone was delighted to see it return. I thought maybe I could draw some strength from it. And boy did I. The first game I wore it, I got a double play and a three-run homer. That was the game we won. The only one, actually. But we did win it, coming from behind. So yay for that.
Winning the parade was a top priority for Randy and myself. We usually just sort of throw something together at the last minute and hope for the best. This year... wasn't much different, but we did plan somewhat ahead. The supposed theme for the parade was Mardi Gras, since this was the 30th Anniversary of the weekend, so we had to incorporate that, but how to make it our own? Then it hit us. We'll build a parade float like a pirate ship. With a black sail, and rigging, and cannons. After all, pirates are very hot right now. Then it just accelerated from there. Last weekend, we built, and painted the boat. Randy engineered some cannons out of PVC pipe and springs that shot candy 10 feet. Over the following week, I painted the sail as well as a reuseable banner. The night before going up, at about 2:30 AM, I wrote a song, that will be published for the first time in it's entirety, right here on Graphic Content.
Gather me hearties and come hear my tale,
Yo ho Yo ho!
About the Das Booty and her fearsome sail.
Yo ho Yo ho!
All ships on the ocean would quiver and quail,
Yo ho Yo ho!
When they saw that the Burgers were hot on their trail!
Yo ho Yo ho, it's a Burger's life for me!
Now, one day Das Booty was hunting a whale,
Yo ho Yo ho!
When the winds shifted north and it started a gale!
Yo ho Yo ho!
It came down with rain and it came down with hail,
Yo ho Yo ho!
How could those Hamburgers ever prevail?
Yo ho Yo ho, it's a Burger's life for me!
"Where is the captain?" the men would all wail
Yo ho Yo ho!
"He's having a baby (He's hoping it's male)
Yo ho Yo ho!
So go grab a barrel, a bucket or pail,
Yo ho Yo ho!
Before this ship sinks and we all have to bail!"
Yo ho Yo ho, it's a Burger's life for me!
They passed out some beer to the strong and the frail,
Yo ho Yo ho!
The Burgers worked hard, they fought tooth and nail.
Yo ho Yo ho!
They came out on top! And that proves without fail,
Yo ho Yo ho!
That Hamburgers always go better with ale!
Yo ho Yo ho, it's a Burger's life for me!
So, anyway, we came in first place, of course. But we tied with another team, which sort of bugs me. It cheapens the whole judging process when there is no ultimate champion, who can lord their success over others. Maybe that's just me.
We go into Tulameen every year knowing we're not really contenders for the tournament trophy, so I like to concentrate my efforts on the other, less tangible events. Like Most Fun Team. We won it last year, thanks to some extensive campaigning, and I hoped to reclaim it once more. I danced for the Battitudes, I danced for the Grogs, I danced for Club Bob, even though it made me miss out on something I'll never forgive myself for missing. Those of you who were there will know what I mean, and those who weren't, won't. I hijacked an event put on by the Homegrown, that had run out of steam. I did all I could, and we were rewarded with out second consecutive Most Fun Team Award. Woo-- followed closely by it's counterpart --hoo!
As for other things that happened that weekend... I participated in a couple of dance-offs with a recent addition to the team, Jen. Or Jenn. Or maybe Jennnn. Anyway, I think I won the first one, on Friday night, with a few patented moves, like the Switchfoot Swivel. I think Jen was taken aback by the depths of my groovitude, having never seen it before. But by Sunday, she was ready and we had to pull out all the stops. By the end of "Pour Some Sugar on Me", we had managed to get our heads up each others' shirts and she had poured beer on herself, which I then proceeded to drink. So I think that although she may have won the dance-off, I came out a winner. Brad smashed the hell out a Spongebob pinata. He was drunk, blindfolded and in the dark, but he got it. Danby, from the Tumbleweeds, issued a beer-bong challenge to Erika. They decided upon two beers apiece. And who should come out on top? Erika, of course. So Danby had to slink back to his site with his bong between his legs, a little humbler for the experience.
Uh, let's see, what else... OK, during one game, Dave and Kelly's little dog, Jack, attacked Leonard on his way to first base, and chased him to second. It was by all accounts, the funniest thing that ever happened at Tulameen. And for their efforts, Jack and Leonard were awarded the first Tulameen MVP Award.
That's all I can remember at the moment (keeping in mind I was drinking steadily), so if anyone has any comments or memories about Tulameen, please add them, and send me some good photos (especially of the dance-off, please), and I'll add them to the gallery, linked here and above.
Steve Sims
Deputy Treasurer in Charge of "Fun"ds,
Tulameen, BC
Steve, Am I retarded? I can't find no link to no photo gallery....
Anonymous, at 11:19 PM
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