Oh yeah, the blog... I forgot all about it
Hola amigos. I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but you know how it gets during the summer. Don't worry, I ve got lots to talk about, and I probably won't get it all in this post. I've been watching movies, new TV shows, playing vidja games, camping, bocce. All in all, I've been throwing 7 different kinds of smoke (shi-shi-shaa!). I'll begin by giving an overview of the activities going on that haven't involved some kind of screen.
On Canada Day weekend, some friends and I went camping up to Silver Creek, near Hope. This drive, dear friends, is not for the faint of tire. About 45 minutes of loose gravel roads really puts a strain on your treads, especially if they are no longer that strong to begin with. Picture a man, who just reached his campsite for the weekend. He exits the car and enters... The Mosquito Zone! My G-d, there were plenny o' skeeters. You couldn't sit still for ten seconds without slapping yourself silly. But we got along okay. We swam, we drank, we fished, we drank, we played checkers (with shots), we drank, we hiked up a trail to a beautiful lake that was surprisingly warm, where we met the most fun Dutch couple (wink, wink) and then we drank. Oh, and we changed my flat tire, because the drive up did not go as well as I had originally thought. And we drank some more. I did my first two beer bongs, and by all accounts, did fantastic. Yep, yep, that's me, Beer Bong Rookie of the Year 2006. It was just an honour to be nominated, really.
On the home front, my roommate Greg purchased a top of the line Yamaha electronic drum kit, for about 3 and a half G's. On Tyler's advice, of course. So, we spent a whole weekend, rearranging our apartment to accommodate the thing. We tried to find some space in his bedroom, but to no avail, so now it sits behind the couch in the living room, which is great, because now, I can listen to him pounding away while I watch TV. The problem is, although the sound is silent, the kick pedal and the hi-hat are not. They slam directly into the hardwood floors in our third-floor abode. So now we have work on sound proofing the damn thing. We got some foam tiles, but that doesn't seem to do much, but I'm thinking a mattress might do the trick. I'll let you know how the saga continues.
Last weekend was my family's annual bocce tournament, the 11th one. Held earlier in the year than usual, we got some unseasonably warm weather, reaching 32C in the shade. I don't know how hot it was in the sun, since our thermometer is in the shade. Go fig. We had some great bocce out there. My partner Shiori and I won our first two games, but lost the last two, and were eliminated in the B-side quarterfinals. The winners were Larry (who had now won four times) and Dorie (who has only participated twice). They played seven games and only lost their first one, probably because Larry hadn't had much to drink yet. I tell ya, that guy is some sort of drunk savant. The mmore he drinks, the better he rolls. Anyways, we also had a pig roast, that got burned all to hell, and a chocolate fountain, which was a big hit. Good times were had by all.
Softball continues. I'm playing tonight in the first game of the year end tourny, which wraps up this weekend. I'd like to have high hopes for our chances, but it's hard to be optimistic about my optimism, given our record. Then, the weekend after this one is the big one. The one I wait for every year. TULAMEEN, BITCHES!!! And, this year, my family isn't going, so I don't have to hold back at all. My dad can't go because he has to be around in case Trina goes into labour. What's that, did I not mention she was pregnant? Well she is. Again. 24 years difference on this kid, meaning when they (I don't know what the sex is yet) graduate from high school, I'll be 42. Fourty... f--king... two. And when they all move to Australia next year, if that actually happens, that kid will not know me at all.
Well, that wraps up my life outside of the house, other than work, but I refuse to discuss that at all, because it's heart-breaking. Next time, I'll recount some of the films I've been watching, and preview some new shows coming this fall. Wow, don't I sound like I get paid for this? Well I don't, so don't complain when I shut up for a month and a half.

On the home front, my roommate Greg purchased a top of the line Yamaha electronic drum kit, for about 3 and a half G's. On Tyler's advice, of course. So, we spent a whole weekend, rearranging our apartment to accommodate the thing. We tried to find some space in his bedroom, but to no avail, so now it sits behind the couch in the living room, which is great, because now, I can listen to him pounding away while I watch TV
Last weekend was my family's annual bocce tournament, the 11th one. Held earlier in the year than usual, we got some unseasonably warm weather, reaching 32C in the shade. I don't know how hot it was in the sun, since our thermometer is in the shade. Go fig. We had some great bocce out there. My partner Shiori and I won our first two games, but lost the last two, and were eliminated in the B-side quarterfinals. The winners were Larry (who had now won four times) and Dorie (who has only participated twice). They played seven games and only lost their first one, probably because Larry hadn't had much to drink yet. I tell ya, that guy is some sort of drunk savant. The mmore he drinks, the better he rolls. Anyways, we also had a pig roast, that got burned all to hell, and a chocolate fountain, which was a big hit. Good times were had by all.
Softball continues. I'm playing tonight in the first game of the year end tourny, which wraps up this weekend. I'd like to have high hopes for our chances, but it's hard to be optimistic about my optimism, given our record. Then, the weekend after this one is the big one. The one I wait for every year. TULAMEEN, BITCHES!!! And, this year, my family isn't going, so I don't have to hold back at all. My dad can't go because he has to be around in case Trina goes into labour. What's that, did I not mention she was pregnant? Well she is. Again. 24 years difference on this kid, meaning when they (I don't know what the sex is yet) graduate from high school, I'll be 42. Fourty... f--king... two.
Well, that wraps up my life outside of the house, other than work, but I refuse to discuss that at all, because it's heart-breaking. Next time, I'll recount some of the films I've been watching, and preview some new shows coming this fall. Wow, don't I sound like I get paid for this? Well I don't, so don't complain when I shut up for a month and a half.
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